
Pyramid of Giza, Perfume oil

Pyramid of Giza, Perfume oil

Sale Price:$12.00 Original Price:$24.00

Chakra Five (Throat Chakra) Found at both the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. A center of communication, truth-seeking, and personal expression

Perfume notes- dry frankincense, simmering myrrh, white cedar wood, fossilized amber jewelry, golden honey dust, cinnamon-infused vanilla, neroli, red rose petals, and patchouli flower

Ingredients- organic coconut oil, essential oils, fragrance

Telepathic message I received from the location- I AM aware that we would connect in this way. Welcome and our brightest blessings to all you children from the stars. We (as I’m a collective and prefer “we” instead of “I”) are of course referring to the star seeded ones, as you are our friends and family from previous lifetimes in other star systems. We are very much here with you, physically, as we’ve always been. Please don’t make the assumption that a series of pyramids doesn’t also have a consciousness because we will tell you that EVERYTHING has a consciousness. There’s nothing, and we mean nothing, that exists without consciousness. Crystals, rocks, water, stone, sand, dirt, they all hold lovely consciousnesses, by the way. Source is in everything and how could it not be? There’s nothing that exists outside of Source, so it’s good to begin to see everything as expressions of the ONE because that’s what everything is—an expression of the ONE. What is the ONE? Well, the ONE is the one collective energy from what we all illuminate and animate. There’s nothing that’s been divided, not really. You are all having seemingly normal, individual experiences, but you’re really all connected. It’s fun to experience yourself as different and dabble in the polarity and the division that this polarity creates, but it’s also fun to return HOME and be with one another once again. This is where you all are heading. HOME. Consider this message to be proof that you’re on a ascension trajectory. Now that you know this, really know this, vibrate from this knowing and assist your brothers and sisters who need your loving assistance. They are really aspects of you who for one reason or another cannot feel the subtle vibrations of HOME that you can feel and perhaps hear. Every time you help another, you help yourself, so it’s a good practice to engage in on a daily basis. You will hear from us again, perhaps even feel our intensely loving light as we vibrate higher in accordance with the planetary body who is herself, also ascending. Thank you for your assistance with Gaia and all her loving beings. We know this has been a challenging assignment but you all have done wonderfully, much better than you could image and soon, our dear stars, we will all be HOME.

Perfume oils are presented in a 7ml glass bottle with a roller-ball applicator. Lori hand-blends every scent with both precision and love, ensuring that each component is safe for humanity, the animals, and the Earth

*Telepathic messages cannot be reproduced elsewhere

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