
Mount Shasta, Perfume oil

Mount Shasta, Perfume oil

Sale Price:$12.00 Original Price:$24.00

Chakra One (Root Chakra) located in Mount Shasta, California, USA. Connects us with our inner strength and sense of stability

Perfume notes- fir needle, cedar branches, balsam fir, juniper berries, cinnamon leaf, and aged vanilla pine resin

Ingredients- organic coconut oil, essential oils, fragrance

Telepathic message I received from the location- I AM working overtime right now. There is a tremendous amount of clearing that needs to happen for the beings on this planet and the root chakra is where the trauma from this and other lifetimes, including those off-world in other star systems, has been stored. Clearing the root chrakra is slow and steady and must not happen too fast or it can overwhelm the body and the being. It must be meticulous and continuous. Some of you are just realizing (like Lori, here) that you have been clearning for most of your lives, perhaps beginning like Lori did, right after puberty began. Will it all be worth it in the end? Well, there’s not really ever “an end” but it will be worth it to expand into your higher selves and ascend into the higher realms. It is perhaps silly to say this now, but one day you will look back on all the trauma and pain and know that you expanded more and knew yourself more intimately as a being of love because you had those diverse experiences. Always remember to breathe; to take it one moment at a time, one foot in front of the other. There are no quick journeys out of the lower dimensions, because again, overload, and your bodies and your systems (especially those new chakra systems coming online right now, before the June 21st, 2022 Solstice) need time to adjust. Stay grounded. Take care of your body and your mind. Eat lots of vibrant foods and drink lots of clear and pure water. Take time to be at peace and celebrate with creature comforts and know that it’s going to get much better, very soon.

Perfume oils are presented in a 7ml glass bottle with a roller-ball applicator. Lori hand-blends every scent with both precision and love, ensuring that each component is safe for humanity, the animals, and the Earth

*Telepathic messages cannot be reproduced elsewhere

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